Everything about this man’s first time using this seemingly steam-powered jetpack seems to be going perfectly well at first. Just wait until this bad boy goes airborne and hilarious chaos ensues.


Posted by DeadiusReytius on TikTok, the poor sap in the jetpack for the first time is about to find out how to operate this thing the hard way. This jetpack doesn’t look like anything made by a professional team of engineers and designers but rather two dudes in their backyard. With that in mind, naturally it’s going to go awry. Of course, our favorite moment is when the guy riding the jetpack manages to take out his friend and send him flying. Who knows how they got down from there. “The best is the TikTok disclaimer ‘professionals’,” one commenter wrote. “OMG … it got so chaotic,” another commenter said. “My eyeballs were trying to follow everything.” “When you home-build a jetpack and forget to install a kill switch,” another commenter joked. “He’s obviously on a wire and those are fire extinguishers,” another commenter said. At last, we have our favorite reaction: “I would like to attempt this.” Why are we surprised by this? There is always someone willing to try. Recommended For You

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