If you lose an internet connection, the Google Maps setting will switch to the offline version. Remember, the offline app will not give you real-time information such as the current traffic conditions in your location.
Locate EV Charging Stations
Whether you are taking your electric vehicle out for dinner or on vacation, you will need to recharge from time to time. The Google Maps app can not only display the available EV charging points along a route, but it can also display the average waiting times on a charging port. Based on your EV type, Google Maps will display compatible charging stations on your phone. To access this feature, follow these simple steps:
How to Share Your Locations
Another useful feature of the Google Maps app is sharing your locations with others. It can become frustrating to travel with a group of people when everyone splits up and loses track of each other. Google Maps can help bring everyone back together with a few easy steps: If you plan to see someone’s location, you need to click on the person’s icon at the top of the Google Maps window and click on “Request.” Remember, you can only use this feature to track the location of individuals who accept your requests to do so. It always takes two people to agree to use this feature to make location sharing easy.
Additional App Uses
There are many other ways Google Maps can be helpful during your travels or transportation. For instance, you can use it to make reservations at a restaurant or get on the waiting list. You can also use Google Maps to store your itinerary and save yourself the hassle of having to check your email and message notifications. You can also discover how busy a side attraction is by viewing the human and vehicular traffic on the site in real time. If you plan on navigating through airports, train stations, and large shopping malls quickly, you should have Google Maps installed on your phone. This is just a sampling of the tools provided by Google Maps. Do a deep dive and find the features that will benefit you. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.