Even though you might have thought that Windows 11 would fix all the issues and flaws that users owning previous versions of the OS had to deal with, you may be a bit disappointed to see that the blue screen still appears out of nowhere. This is known as a BSOD error.  The BSOD is basically a Windows error that may appear without any prior warning and block you from using your computer. Not only that, but users are unable to reboot their system or access their data.  The blue screen will show an error message with a stop code so that you can always search and figure out what’s happening to your PC. However, we’ve made it easier for you to resolve your issue by reviewing all possible fixes for a BSOD error on Windows 11. Simply read till the end to find out.  So, let’s get started!

1. Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

The Windows Memory Diagnostic tool is an in-built tool on Windows 11 that detects and troubleshoots any memory issues your computer might face. So, if you’re unsure about the cause of BSOD error on Windows 11, i.e., whether it’s hardware or software-related, this tool will help you out.  Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool is easy to use. Simply follow the steps given below: 

2. Roll back or Update Drivers.

Users should always ensure to keep their graphic drivers updated. This is because outdated drivers can cause your PC to start working slowly, leading to performance problems. Moreover, they’re also reported to be one of the reasons behind the BSOD error on Windows 11.  Apart from that, the blue screen may also appear after updating your drivers due to incompatible or faulty drivers. In these cases, users have the option to roll back these updates to fix their issues.  Here’s how to go about it: Restart your PC and check whether the BSOD error on Windows 11 is still appearing or not. 

3. Check Windows Updates. 

Windows Updates bring about new features, improve user experience, remove bugs and glitches within your software, and much more. But, if you’ve recently updated your PC and encountered the BSOD error on Windows 11, the problem may lie within the update.  This indicates that a Windows update can either be a fix to your blue screen problem or cause it to happen. If you are experiencing the BSOD error, you can fix your issue by installing any pending updates available. Here’s what you need to do: If a recent Windows update is the issue, you need to uninstall it from your PC. Follow these steps below:  If this method doesn’t solve your problem, move to the next method in this guide. 

4. Run SFC Scan. 

Corrupted files tend to interfere with your PC’s performance, resulting in various errors within the system, including a BSOD error on Windows 11. Hence, in order to protect your PC from these files, it is necessary to remove them, which can be done via an SFC scan.  Below are the steps you need to follow:

5. Scan Your PC for Any Virus or Malware. 

Viruses and malware can attack your PC at any time and cause problems within your system, including various bugs and errors. So, it’s important that you check your computer for any virus or malware by performing a quick scan.  Here’s how to do it: Once you’re done with the steps, restart your computer and see if this method solves the problem. Other than that, you can always install an antivirus program like Avast, Kaspersky, or McAfee.

6. Perform System Restore. 

If nothing seems to solve your problem, performing a System Restore is your last option. It will take you back to the latest Restore Point when your system was working correctly. Here’s what you should do: This sums up our guide on how to fix the BSOD error on Windows 11. In case you have further queries or confusion, let us know in the comments section below. We’ll be more than happy to help.  If this guide helped you, please share it. 😊