Posted by TikTok user @megadrivingschool, see how the driver of the semitruck reacts in the video below.


“I would have taken the car, so that I wouldn’t risk my life leaving the highway,” writes commenter @ramses_2704. “It would have been better to hit him in the end; he is to blame.” User @konko49 agrees, saying, “I would’ve rammed the white car instead of going on the grass.” “Some people’s mirrors are useless,” comments @stalker_3748. “White car swerved from hitting the car in front of him, and hit a truck,” observes @akeindeatherley. “Don’t drive close behind other cars, people.” We post videos such as these as part of our coverage because we hope there are specific behaviors drivers can learn and implement to help make our roads safer for all of us. Recommended For You

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